Sunday, August 15, 2010

day four; seven things that cross my mind alot

one - my friends, even if they don't have anything bad running around in their life, i think about them alot becos they make up such a big fraction of my life & I wouldn't know who I'd be or what'd i do without them (L)
two - him
three - family, i love them oh so much
four - school, study, homework, tutor, exams; its endless really.
five - my day and how it went. I think about this every night jst before i go to sleep. It's the most busiest time before my mind lays to rest. I think very deep about my day and imagine myself in different people's shoes to how they see me as.
seven - random stuff. what happens here is before i go into the deep think about my day, i usually look up into the stars on my ceiling and open my mind to search through my imagination. Last night, i was thinking of travelling off to a different universe which is impossible but it would be nice to second a thought on that. Just imagine our world. It's preety magical if you really think about it. But what if on a different galaxy theres jst soo much more oomph in it. Kinda like the Avatar world but more mystifying and magical. I'd love that.

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